divedart: DSC_0376
divedart: Carl & Katie
divedart: Preparing Elderflower cordial
divedart: Katie, Theresa and Chelsea
divedart: DSC_0380
divedart: DSC_0386
divedart: DSC_0392
divedart: DSC_0396
divedart: DSC_0397
divedart: New play equipment at Belle View Park, Sudbury
divedart: Working in the pub kitchen
divedart: Bumble Bee
divedart: Wasp nest, Carters Vineyard
divedart: Carters Vineyard
divedart: Bees
divedart: Bees
divedart: Bees
divedart: Bees
divedart: Carters Vineyard - Tom Bunting on his tractor
divedart: Mistley swans
divedart: Mistley swans
divedart: Mistley swans
divedart: Carl foraging Samphire - Wrabness
divedart: Samphire - Wrabness
divedart: Dovercourt Lighthouse
divedart: Dovercourt Lighthouse
divedart: Felixstow from Dovercourt
divedart: Today's forage (Nayland Festival 2011)
divedart: Foraged crabs (Nayland Festival 2011)
divedart: Foraged crabs (Nayland Festival 2011)