divedart: Field mushrooms, wood blewits and bay bolete on toast
divedart: Field mushrooms, wood blewits and bay bolete
divedart: Colin & Mette Jones, Simon Ward & Carl Shillingford. The Anchor, Nayland
divedart: Colin & Mette Jones, Simon Ward & Carl Shillingford. The Anchor, Nayland
divedart: Anchor, Nayland
divedart: Wood blewits
divedart: Fly agaric
divedart: Young wood blewits
divedart: DSC_0633
divedart: Mette
divedart: Shaggy Ink caps
divedart: Sloes
divedart: Large ring of Parasol Mushrooms
divedart: Parasol Mushrooms
divedart: Parasol Mushroom
divedart: Mette
divedart: Colin & Mette
divedart: Bay Boletes
divedart: Colin & Mette Jones, Dave and Carl
divedart: DSC_0620
divedart: DSC_0619
divedart: DSC_0617
divedart: DSC_0616
divedart: DSC_0615
divedart: DSC_0614