SIUE: Rendleman Hall
SIUE: Founders Hall
SIUE: Alumni Hall
SIUE: Peck Hall
SIUE: Morris University Center
SIUE: SIUE Science Building
SIUE: SIUE Religious Center
SIUE: Metcalf Theater
SIUE: SIUE Student Fitness Center
SIUE: SIUE Early Childhood Center
SIUE: Cougar Village Commons
SIUE: SIUE Supporting Services
SIUE: SIUE University Police
SIUE: Woodland Hall
SIUE: Prairie Hall
SIUE: SIUE Engineering Building
SIUE: Birger Hall
SIUE: Bluff Hall
SIUE: SIUE Musuem Operations
SIUE: 100 North Research Drive
SIUE: 200 University Park
SIUE: 95 North Research Drive
SIUE: University Park Adminstration
SIUE: SIUE School of Pharmacy
SIUE: Ralph Korte Stadium
SIUE: National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center
SIUE: SIUE Enviormental Resources Training Center
SIUE: SIUE Technology and Management Center
SIUE: Stratton Quadrangle
SIUE: Evergreen Hall