Sísú: IMG_8163
Sísú: IMG_8171
Sísú: IMG_8172
Sísú: IMG_8173
Sísú: IMG_8176
Sísú: IMG_8180
Sísú: IMG_8182
Sísú: IMG_8193
Sísú: IMG_8194
Sísú: IMG_8196
Sísú: IMG_8199
Sísú: IMG_8203
Sísú: IMG_8204
Sísú: Old Rafha stowe removed, younger version installed, but it's still old.
Sísú: Rafha stove, not as old but still original.
Sísú: IMG_8210
Sísú: IMG_8212
Sísú: IMG_8213
Sísú: IMG_8214
Sísú: The dogs were watching Thor drive off.
Sísú: What's happening?
Sísú: trolley with trees on three levels.
Sísú: guitar tuner in phone
Sísú: Einifell.
Sísú: kría.
Sísú: Kría - Arctic Tern.
Sísú: Einifell.
Sísú: Two trees on right side of road.
Sísú: Trees we have planted.
Sísú: Trees Auður and Steini have planted.