Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Lady+Gaga+meets+Queen+Elizabeth+II
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): The Queen's Wardrobe (poem)
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): So daintily the days (poem)
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Submergence (poem)
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Our Lady Divine (poem)
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Hearts a-flutter (poem)
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Ode to the Corset (poem)
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): 'Red Queen' in Burton's Alice in Wonderland
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): London Tattoo Convention poster
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Hello? Yes, I'm nearly ready darling ;-)
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): My cream leather jewellery box ('Peter Driben' - What makes men blush)
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Yummy!!! Coco de Mer bar of chocolate
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): 'High heel' painting on canvas
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): I love these french silk 'striptease pants'
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Sunset bride (www.viona-art.com)
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): My dear friend Marisha from Finland
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Aunt Sally from Worzel Gummidge
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): John Galliano high glamour
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Model on catwalk for Galliano
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): 'A peep up her skirt'
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Enjoying the winter sunshine in the countryside
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Bernard Tartinville (photographer) Antoinette fashion
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Norma Shearer in ringlets - 18th Century style!
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Gold corsetted wedding gown (used with permission of Harman Hay)
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Edwardian corset (used with permission of Harman Hay)
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Ballerina Marina Franca
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Silk bridal gown by Azrael's Accomplice
Rachel Thomas (Story Slices): Edwardian wedding gown