Sister72: "Postcards" 9-11 Memorial, Staten Island, NY
Sister72: "Postcards" 9-11 Memorial Staten Island, NY
Sister72: "Postcards" 9-11 Memorial Staten Island, NY
Sister72: Faces of Victims of 9-11 Staten Island, NY
Sister72: An Individual Face Carving on the 9-11 Memorial in Staten Island, NY
Sister72: In Memory of Michael Joseph Cunningham - 9/11 Victim
Sister72: In Memory of Kevin Patrick York - 9/11 Victim
Sister72: In Memory of John Joseph Ryan - Victim of 9/11
Sister72: New York City Tribute In Lights
Sister72: September 11, 2006
Sister72: 911 Memorial
Sister72: Tribute In Lights
Sister72: 911 Memorial
Sister72: September 11, 2006 Tribute In Lights
Sister72: September 11, 2006 New York City, NY
Sister72: Tribute In Clouds
Sister72: A Dove Flies - Tribute of Lights
Sister72: "Makeshift Memorial" by J. Sewart Johnson
Sister72: If You See Something. Say Something.
Sister72: Tribute in Lights
Sister72: 9/11 Reflections
Sister72: Tribute in Lights 2007
Sister72: A Dark Day
Sister72: Reflection of the World Trade Center
Sister72: We Will Never Forget
Sister72: 9-11-08 Tribute In Lights