Sister72: The Kitty Christmas Card Portrait Debacle #1: It Started Out Reasonably Enough
Sister72: The Kitty Christmas Card Portrait Debacle #2: Peanut "I Turn My Back On This Whole Idea" .
Sister72: The Kitty Christmas Card Portrait Debacle #3: Precious: "Mmmmm Crinkly Candy Cane Wrapping Paper".
Sister72: The Kitty Christmas Card Portrait Debacle #4: Precious: "No thank you, I really don't want to sit"
Sister72: The Kitty Christmas Card Portrait Debacle #5: Precious and Peanut: "Crinkly Paper is Delicious and Oh, There's Another Piece of Crinkly Paper!"
Sister72: The Kitty Christmas Card Portrait Debacle #6: Everything Back in its Proper Place.