Justin Stephen:
Princess Fiona Grace
Justin Stephen:
Pushing for some Purple
Justin Stephen:
Railroad Humor
Justin Stephen:
WTF Dad...
Justin Stephen:
Why don't you take the baby?
Justin Stephen:
Gina and Fiona
Justin Stephen:
My 1966 Mustang
Justin Stephen:
Bighorn Sheep
Justin Stephen:
Coyote sitting in a parking lot
Justin Stephen:
Justin Stephen:
Buzzing Just Like Neon
Justin Stephen:
Empty Coal Train into Infinity
Justin Stephen:
A Warm Retreat From the Winds of Superior
Justin Stephen:
Cascade River Falls
Justin Stephen:
Waiting in the Green Room
Justin Stephen:
Justin Stephen:
Old Barn - iPhone Shots
Justin Stephen:
Left in the woods to die
Justin Stephen:
The Hudson Snout
Justin Stephen:
The Wide Angle Addict
Justin Stephen:
Our 1991 BMW M Technic
Justin Stephen:
Our 1991 BMW M Technic
Justin Stephen:
Pickwick Theater
Justin Stephen:
Rays of light, Uptown Park Ridge
Justin Stephen:
Tunnel Boogie Man
Justin Stephen:
Moments before the departure
Justin Stephen:
The Miles Become a Blur
Justin Stephen:
Two Guns, Arizona
Justin Stephen:
McCormick Farmall Cub
Justin Stephen:
Minnesota Sunset