sirexkat: Minifigs explore Explore magazine at Changi airport
sirexkat: Minifigs tuck into omlette and tofu
sirexkat: Minifigs check the train sign to Little India
sirexkat: Minifigs are impressed with the Acer Aspire 1
sirexkat: Minifigs are impressed with the Acer Aspire 2
sirexkat: Minifigs find some friends 1
sirexkat: Minifigs find some friends 2.
sirexkat: Minifigs have breakfast 2
sirexkat: Minifigs at breakfast
sirexkat: Minifigs puzzle why I'm carrying such a big book
sirexkat: Minfigs approve of the Book Thief
sirexkat: Minifigs meet the bird carved in the back of a hotel chair.
sirexkat: Minifigs inspect the LED Car Side Light kit
sirexkat: Minifigs have a puri biryani lunch
sirexkat: Minifigs cool in kulfi
sirexkat: Minifigs drink lavander and green tea. Kulfi Cafe
sirexkat: Minifigs ride a Zebra at the Singapore night safari
sirexkat: Minifigs are almost eaten by an amorous rat and pig 2.
sirexkat: Minifigs are almost eaten by an amorous rat and pig 2.
sirexkat: Minifigs sit on Tiger Balm and contemplate the large Sumo wrestlers behind them 2
sirexkat: Minifigs sit on Tiger Balm and contemplate the large Sumo wrestlers behind them 1
sirexkat: Minifigs feel mini on buddha's hand 3
sirexkat: Minifigs feel mini on Buddha's hand 2
sirexkat: Minifigs feel mini on Buddha's hand 1
sirexkat: Minifigs try the Tamil language keyboard, National Library of Singapore
sirexkat: Minifigs inspect the peanut shells on the floor of the Long Bar, and Peter Godwin's shoes
sirexkat: Minifigs in the peanuts at Long Bar Singapore
sirexkat: Minifigs come home from the toy shop with a companion
sirexkat: Minifigs discover where minifigs come from at a toy shop in Suntec Mall
sirexkat: Minifigs on the nose of a Pebble Dog