Sir_Francis_Barney: The Bayview Inn
Sir_Francis_Barney: The Bayview Inn
Sir_Francis_Barney: Dark tower
Sir_Francis_Barney: view from the top of Dowth
Sir_Francis_Barney: Dowth tomb
Sir_Francis_Barney: cattle and ruins
Sir_Francis_Barney: The Spire of Lloyd
Sir_Francis_Barney: The Spire of Lloyd
Sir_Francis_Barney: St. Colmcille's House
Sir_Francis_Barney: Kells Handball Club
Sir_Francis_Barney: Abbey of Kells
Sir_Francis_Barney: Abbey of Kells
Sir_Francis_Barney: Abbey of Kells
Sir_Francis_Barney: Abbey of Kells
Sir_Francis_Barney: the Caman Inn
Sir_Francis_Barney: Brownshill portal tomb
Sir_Francis_Barney: grain field next to the dolmen
Sir_Francis_Barney: grain field next to the dolmen
Sir_Francis_Barney: Brownshill portal tomb
Sir_Francis_Barney: view from the top
Sir_Francis_Barney: ruins of the Rock
Sir_Francis_Barney: view from the top
Sir_Francis_Barney: view from the top
Sir_Francis_Barney: view from the top
Sir_Francis_Barney: ruins of the Rock
Sir_Francis_Barney: view from the top