Sipsmith: Jared gives the Match bar crew a tasting
Sipsmith: Jared nosing the gin
Sipsmith: The Sipsmiths
Sipsmith: The first batch
Sipsmith: prudence name badge
Sipsmith: The gin in full swing
Sipsmith: Gin flow - first batch
Sipsmith: Sam and Fairfax
Sipsmith: Sipsmith Sam at work
Sipsmith: Sam changing pipes
Sipsmith: Words of wisdom
Sipsmith: John Glaser nosing the gin
Sipsmith: Fairfax doing some R&D
Sipsmith: Prudence 1
Sipsmith: Prudence 2
Sipsmith: The boys at work
Sipsmith: Prudence is complete - time for a drink!
Sipsmith: Nearly finished...
Sipsmith: The pipes go in
Sipsmith: ..infusion vessel and condenser go on..
Sipsmith: ..and then the column..
Sipsmith: The swan neck goes on..
Sipsmith: Unpacking the helmet
Sipsmith: Prudence arrives
Sipsmith: Perfectly Still
Sipsmith: The first drop
Sipsmith: In full flow
Sipsmith: Steamy Windows
Sipsmith: Prudence 3
Sipsmith: Prudence 4