sipes23: ubi moenia habent moenia
sipes23: Entry to the alcazaba
sipes23: Arcus Traiani
sipes23: Roman bridge
sipes23: 20230220_142846
sipes23: 20230220_144539
sipes23: Interpretive sign
sipes23: 20230220_143140
sipes23: Hidden cistern
sipes23: Heading to the light
sipes23: Cistern and mosque and watchtower
sipes23: Olive pressing materials
sipes23: Roman house ruins in the Alcazaba
sipes23: This sign describes...
sipes23: 20230220_145028
sipes23: Romans in the Alcazaba?
sipes23: Roman wall to the right
sipes23: 20230220_145637
sipes23: Romans fitted it tight
sipes23: Temple of Diana
sipes23: Glitter and thumb!
sipes23: Interpretive sign
sipes23: Temple of Diana in Mérida
sipes23: Ancient water feature
sipes23: Temple of Diana in Mérida
sipes23: 20230220_154632
sipes23: Fascinating sign
sipes23: Oooo, a sign
sipes23: Shadows of the past
sipes23: 20230220_155438