sipes23: pons Romanus nocte
sipes23: Interpretive sign
sipes23: A building related with the Roman Circus
sipes23: Entrance to the theater
sipes23: theatrum Augustae Emeritae
sipes23: Scaena theatri Augustae Emeritae
sipes23: ego et theatrum
sipes23: aquaeductus Augustae Emeritae
sipes23: arcus sub circo
sipes23: Trilingual sign
sipes23: Circus Maximus Augustae Emeritae
sipes23: Road construction!
sipes23: relicta spectatorum
sipes23: Another sign about...
sipes23: circi carceres
sipes23: Stands at the Circus
sipes23: Circi spina
sipes23: aedificium hodiernum
sipes23: Nesting birds
sipes23: Entrance to the Casa del Mitreo
sipes23: Casa suburbana Augustae Emeritae
sipes23: Interpretive sign
sipes23: More baths?
sipes23: Casa del Mithreo
sipes23: 20230221_112749
sipes23: Underground bedrooms
sipes23: So many mosaics
sipes23: colores! tot colores!
sipes23: Allegorical mosiac in the "Mithraeum"
sipes23: House of the Mithraeum