SionedFearon: Blondie
SionedFearon: Lens Flareific.
SionedFearon: Hello Hello Baby
SionedFearon: Floral and color!
SionedFearon: New Hairz
SionedFearon: We're plastic but we still have fun!
SionedFearon: Smile smile smile
SionedFearon: Doll eyes
SionedFearon: I wish I lived in Victorian times
SionedFearon: Would you?
SionedFearon: I hate my profile
SionedFearon: New hair :]
SionedFearon: Green eyes
SionedFearon: Row row row your boat
SionedFearon: Saturday
SionedFearon: Frutas
SionedFearon: Plum lips
SionedFearon: Safari
SionedFearon: Girrafe
SionedFearon: Only fooling myself
SionedFearon: Emerald eyes
SionedFearon: I love my furry hats