M. Violet: Parking lot action
M. Violet: Jackie
M. Violet: Anadel State Park
M. Violet: Chris leading the pack
M. Violet: Jackie again
M. Violet: Through Santa Rosa
M. Violet: SyCip shop
M. Violet: Lots of people
M. Violet: Patrick Cycles
M. Violet: Bunch o' Retrotecs
M. Violet: Jeff
M. Violet: Curtis
M. Violet: See you tomorrow!
M. Violet: Parking lot action
M. Violet: Baptiste
M. Violet: Coordinate bike and outfit
M. Violet: The Boys™
M. Violet: Tamarancho trails
M. Violet: Look 'ma, coaster brake !
M. Violet: The closest...
M. Violet: Michael and the Humiliator
M. Violet: Dr Doom and Jon
M. Violet: Oldschool Pace
M. Violet: Black Cat
M. Violet: Biff's steel Jones
M. Violet: Prototype Niner fork
M. Violet: Dane, Jeff Jones and family
M. Violet: Decider introduction
M. Violet: Napa Bowl
M. Violet: Benoît and myself chating with Travis Brown