Singingstone48: Happy Hill near the horse corral.
Singingstone48: Sotol and grasses on Happy Hill near the Window.
Singingstone48: Sotol and grasses on Happy Hill near the Window, with clouds
Singingstone48: View looking west from Sagenite Hill towards Mitre Peak
Singingstone48: Sigrid collecting agate on Sagenite Hill - Brewster County, Texas
Singingstone48: 694_Mitre Peak with mesquite_web
Singingstone48: 1870 thunderhead over Davis Mountains
Singingstone48: 2691 Looking SW from top Happy Hill
Singingstone48: 2680 Looking SW from Happy Hill top
Singingstone48: 2678 Happy Hill top looking SW
Singingstone48: 2675 Kokernot o6 ranch, top of Happy Hill looking SW. Brewster County, Texas.
Singingstone48: 2192 Shafter area cottonwoods with high clouds
Singingstone48: 2194 Shafter area cottonwoods with high clouds
Singingstone48: 2198 Shafter area cottonwoods with high clouds
Singingstone48: 2201 Shafter area cottonwoods with high clouds
Singingstone48: 2202 Shafter ruins with high clouds
Singingstone48: 2204 Shafter ruins with high clouds
Singingstone48: 2208 Shafter ruins with high clouds
Singingstone48: 2211 Shafter with high clouds
Singingstone48: 2214 Shafter ruins with high clouds
Singingstone48: 2217 Cottonwood trees along Cibolo Creek Presidio Co TX
Singingstone48: 2219 Cottonwood trees along Cibolo Creek Presidio Co TX
Singingstone48: 2223 Cottonwood trees along Cibolo Creek Presidio Co TX
Singingstone48: 2233 Cottonwood trees on Cibolo Creek in Shafter
Singingstone48: 2234 Crosses in Shafter graveyard with clouds
Singingstone48: 2237 Crosses in Shafter graveyard with clouds
Singingstone48: 2240 Crosses in Shafter graveyard with clouds
Singingstone48: 2241 Crosses in Shafter graveyard with clouds