Singingstone48: 9328 Granite pegmatite in Valley Spring gneiss
Singingstone48: 9325 Granite pegmatite in Valley Spring gneiss
Singingstone48: 9377 Granite pegmatite in Valley Spring gneiss
Singingstone48: 9378 Granite pegmatite in Valley Spring gneiss
Singingstone48: 9428 Llanite Outcrop Hwy 16
Singingstone48: 9433 Llanite-Valley Spring Gneiss contact
Singingstone48: 9439 Pegmatite dike in VS Gneiss
Singingstone48: 9446 Cambrian Point Park Mmbr Willbern Formation
Singingstone48: 9441 Cambrian Point Park Mmbr Willbern Formation_
Singingstone48: 9454 Cambrian sandstone Llano Co TX
Singingstone48: 9463 granite pegmatite vein in Valley Spring Gneiss
Singingstone48: 9468 PreCambrian granite outcrop on ranch
Singingstone48: 9487 on granite outcrop Mason Co TX
Singingstone48: 9488 on granite outcrop Mason Co TX
Singingstone48: 9491 granite outcrop Mason Co TX
Singingstone48: 9494 Valley Spring Gneiss outcrop Mason Co TX
Singingstone48: 9499 granite outcrop Mason Co TX
Singingstone48: 9503 jointing fracturing granite outcrop Mason Co TX
Singingstone48: 9508 jointing fracturing granite outcrop Mason Co TX
Singingstone48: 9511 weathered Valley Spring Greiss in creek
Singingstone48: 9514 weathered Valley Spring Greiss in creek with granite pegmatite veins
Singingstone48: 9518 weathered Valley Spring Greiss in creek
Singingstone48: 0294 Weathered rhyolite flow - Wild Rose Pass
Singingstone48: 0292 Weathered rhyolite flow - Wild Rose Pass
Singingstone48: 0291 Weathered rhyolite flow - Wild Rose Pass
Singingstone48: 0289 Weathered rhyolite flow - Wild Rose Pass
Singingstone48: 0288 Weathered rhyolite flow - Wild Rose Pass
Singingstone48: 262 Reef exposure in Limestone bedrock
Singingstone48: 0256 limestone outcrop on Sheffield Loop
Singingstone48: 9534 Valley Spring Gneiss with pegmatite veins