Singingstone48: 1959 Volcanics near Raton NM
Singingstone48: 8813_Rio Grande River valley outcrops
Singingstone48: 8824_basalt of Taos plateau
Singingstone48: 8834_outcrops in Rio Grande River valley north of Santa Fe, NM
Singingstone48: 8840_San Antonio Mountain - NM
Singingstone48: 9815_Pronghorn antelope on lava flow
Singingstone48: 8738_Hotel Artesia - Artesia NM
Singingstone48: 8743_rustling sculpture and Hotel Artesia
Singingstone48: 8749_New Mexico flowers - train
Singingstone48: 8771_Native American potter at Santa Fe
Singingstone48: 8782_Hotel Santa Fe
Singingstone48: 8789_quartz wall - Hotel Santa Fe
Singingstone48: 9818_lava flows E NM
Singingstone48: 9825_lava flows and other volcano from Mt Capulin
Singingstone48: 9827_lava flows and distant volcanoes
Singingstone48: 9831_distant volcanoes from Mt Capulin
Singingstone48: 9843_Capulin Crater and distant volcanoes
Singingstone48: 9436 Storm clouds near Capulin Volcano National Monument
Singingstone48: 9437 Storm clouds near Capulin Volcano National Monument
Singingstone48: 9438 Storm clouds near Capulin Volcano National Monument
Singingstone48: 9440 Sierra Grande New Mexico
Singingstone48: 9441 Storm clouds near Sierra Grande NM
Singingstone48: 9442 Storm clouds near Sierra Grande NM
Singingstone48: 9445 Capulin Volcano National Monument
Singingstone48: 9446 Storm over New Mexico plains
Singingstone48: 9792_Sunset and clouds near Raton NM
Singingstone48: 9796_rain over the mesa near Raton NM
Singingstone48: 9799_clouds and light at sunset
Singingstone48: 9802_couds and light near sunset over the mesa
Singingstone48: 9808_sunflowers east of Raton NM