sweethearthedrunk: "Il mio amore è il fiore che giace tra le tombe"
sweethearthedrunk: We are pursued by Fate
sweethearthedrunk: Equilibrium
sweethearthedrunk: rilassarsi un po'
sweethearthedrunk: Here lies One Whose Name was writ in Water
sweethearthedrunk: In memory of you
sweethearthedrunk: Mors omnia solvit
sweethearthedrunk: only Good Night, Beloved, not Farewell
sweethearthedrunk: con le sue ali fragili e bianche
sweethearthedrunk: Fragrant memories - of - Bertha Julia Hales, who fell asleep 1st February 1937
sweethearthedrunk: Reilig Ghlas Naíon I