Pixietoria: Twenty five minutes in the mid morning sun.
Pixietoria: Seven and a quarter minutes on the window sill at dusk.
Pixietoria: Twenty minutes before dusk.
Pixietoria: Across the rocket and into the sun.
Pixietoria: Seventeen Minutes
Pixietoria: Twenty minutes on a sunny winter day.
Pixietoria: She sells...
Pixietoria: King of Spades
Pixietoria: Fluid Ounces
Pixietoria: Uri Geller
Pixietoria: Making contact
Pixietoria: Nine minute window
Pixietoria: Orange Circle
Pixietoria: Cyclops
Pixietoria: Button
Pixietoria: Lens cap
Pixietoria: "Built like a nuclear bunker."
Pixietoria: I'm taking a photograph!!