singingbeagle: Grandma Judy reads the latest Babybug news.
singingbeagle: The tales of Kim and Carrots prove totally enthralling.
singingbeagle: Can you snuggle a snail? No, they're sticky!
singingbeagle: Quick Family Photo at Sage
singingbeagle: Take 2!
singingbeagle: Eagle Rock from the 134
singingbeagle: Eagle Rock from the Figueroa Exit
singingbeagle: Manila Folders make for a happy Caela.
singingbeagle: Can I file things, Mommy? Can I?
singingbeagle: Leaves and trees and a Caela
singingbeagle: Examining a leaf
singingbeagle: Portrait with Leaves
singingbeagle: Have a leaf!
singingbeagle: Heheheheheheh.
singingbeagle: Caela examines the camera.
singingbeagle: Maracas!
singingbeagle: Lunch at Elmo's
singingbeagle: Swings!
singingbeagle: Pleeeeeeeeeease?
singingbeagle: Gangsta Caela
singingbeagle: Surprise!
singingbeagle: 80s Girl
singingbeagle: These sunglasses are great!
singingbeagle: do you get these things off?
singingbeagle: I don't think these are straight...
singingbeagle: Sunset in Durham.
singingbeagle: Drue fishes for Caela.
singingbeagle: Reading
singingbeagle: I like tissues.