Singer 晴哥: 希望 Light from heaven
Singer 晴哥: 煙嵐雲岫 Clouds and mists in the mountains
Singer 晴哥: 花現雲海 Discover sea of clouds
Singer 晴哥: 仙境傳說 Fairyland‧Legend
Singer 晴哥: 末日.重生 Regeneration  (2012.12.21 Maya Calendar Mystery)
Singer 晴哥: 漫步雲端 Walk above the clouds
Singer 晴哥: 夕色雲海.五分山
Singer 晴哥: 漫步雲端 Walk above the clouds
Singer 晴哥: 五分山雲瀑.觀音圈
Singer 晴哥: 通往雲端
Singer 晴哥: 幻 Visionary
Singer 晴哥: 嵐 Road through mists