Judah Sher: Standing computer stand draft
Judah Sher: Standing computer desk
Judah Sher: Launcher4
Judah Sher: Card Holder
Judah Sher: Assm1
Judah Sher: PortfolioCase3PartialOpen
Judah Sher: Portfolio case
Judah Sher: IMG_2812
Judah Sher: Card dispenser
Judah Sher: IMG_2813
Judah Sher: iPad stand SA Poster-01
Judah Sher: Tablet stand in front of the kikori that made it.
Judah Sher: Balisong Driver
Judah Sher: b driver open.19
Judah Sher: b driver closed.25
Judah Sher: short gantry 7-12
Judah Sher: TBC fired
Judah Sher: TBC cocked
Judah Sher: TB crossbow
Judah Sher: opentopdetail
Judah Sher: openside
Judah Sher: open1
Judah Sher: closed
Judah Sher: spice rack 1