yipsinclair: Lunch time inside studio
yipsinclair: sunlight on windows
yipsinclair: going to mtr
yipsinclair: MMKK7083
yipsinclair: rental leaflets
yipsinclair: knock off
yipsinclair: MJ pose
yipsinclair: can u get what u need on this leaflets wall ?
yipsinclair: multi tasking is a must
yipsinclair: rent here
yipsinclair: want to get a job ?
yipsinclair: $8800 up
yipsinclair: _X1T0513
yipsinclair: _X1T0519
yipsinclair: welcome to WongTaiSin but here is LokFu
yipsinclair: _X1T0522
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yipsinclair: _X1T0528
yipsinclair: _X1T0529
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yipsinclair: _X1T0532
yipsinclair: old building with new window
yipsinclair: the guy was using 2 coins to take off the bread roots
yipsinclair: some kids want to kick more
yipsinclair: why u don't wait for the green light ?
yipsinclair: ar ...
yipsinclair: money stocking ( for someppl )
yipsinclair: happy on the phone
yipsinclair: going home for cook