filecore: Great logo design by Martin.
filecore: Helvetic F100 taking me to Zurich.
filecore: Friday afternoon beer
filecore: Mat on Minestorm.
filecore: Sijmen's reflection.
filecore: Robbert and Rez
filecore: Canabalt C64 - one of the tournament games.
filecore: Discussing the board...
filecore: Biergarten.
filecore: Nice building.
filecore: Friday night dinner venue.
filecore: We took over two tables in this massive place!
filecore: Mat honing his time on Fast Racing Neo.
filecore: Anita and Sandra work on their C64 Canabalt score.
filecore: Lenno plays Rez. Of course.
filecore: Frogger was the Eurocon trophy game.
filecore: Small trade session on the Saturday morning.
filecore: Trade session.
filecore: Trade session.
filecore: Trade session.
filecore: Saturday lunchtime walkabout
filecore: Saturday lunchtime walkabout - Nippondreams
filecore: Penguin Adventure on the MSX
filecore: Shinen Talk
filecore: Shinen talk
filecore: Shinen did the music for a lot of GB, GBC and GBA games.
filecore: Iridion 3D - one of the first games they had published.
filecore: Iridion II followed...
filecore: Bespoke tools.
filecore: Shinen games over the past few years..