filecore: 29285573661_fa5767f232_o
filecore: Just off the train!
filecore: Welcome!
filecore: More adverts
filecore: 14241406_10153708565687001_7629227593023385480_o
filecore: Escalators in Sega Gigo arcade,
filecore: WP_20160819_17_39_25_Pro
filecore: Players queuing to play Kancolle Arcade
filecore: HEY - Taito's Hirose Entertainment yard.
filecore: Me playing Raiden III at HEY!
filecore: Advert
filecore: Me playing Chase HQ at HEY!
filecore: WP_20160828_18_59_39_Pro
filecore: Cave SHMUP heaven
filecore: Player on Darius in HEY.
filecore: Ninja Warriors
filecore: Darius Corner
filecore: Arcade pros
filecore: BlazBlue arcade machines.
filecore: Super Famicom games
filecore: More boxed stuff in RetroGameCamp.
filecore: Boxed consoles for sale.
filecore: RetroGameCamp
filecore: 3rd floor of Super Potato
filecore: WP_20160821_14_40_07_Pro
filecore: Japanese 2600 stuff
filecore: More stuff for sale.
filecore: WP_20160821_14_28_07_Pro
filecore: Irem Hill Climber
filecore: Me and Mikado