filecore: Eurocon 2013
filecore: KLM Embraer 190: My ride to AMS for Eurocon.
filecore: The venue
filecore: Opening Eurocon 2013
filecore: Trade fair
filecore: International dealer room (upstairs)
filecore: Paul & Chelsea
filecore: Pepijn & his Vectrex and G&W goodies!
filecore: International dealer room 2
filecore: Trade fair (2)
filecore: Eurocon 2013
filecore: Homebrew Room
filecore: Nintendo toys!
filecore: "Boys without Brains" discussion panel.
filecore: Jeroen Tel posing for photos
filecore: Jeroen Tel performing on stage.
filecore: SD Snatcher SNES Proto premiere showing!
filecore: SD Snatcher SNES Proto premiere showing!
filecore: SD Snatcher SNES Proto premiere showing!
filecore: Show and Tell: Martijn and his Euro 175 Adventurevision!
filecore: Show and Tell: Martijn's Adventurevision.
filecore: Pitfall Harry on the C64.
filecore: Eurocon trophy game. Terrahawks on the Videopac (G7400)
filecore: Stone Sling on G7000 multicart.
filecore: Atari 8 bit and MyIDE
filecore: Robbert conducting the auction, aided by Martijn.