filecore: Screenshot from 2012-10-08 19:59:14
filecore: Outside the Venue (ZKM)
filecore: Mike and Gaztee enjoying a local brew..
filecore: Reaching down to play the Cabaret Missile Command
filecore: Doesn't seem that far down when I'm playing it!
filecore: Nearby multiplex cinema and eateries
filecore: Walking back
filecore: ZKM Entrance
filecore: Trade fair overview
filecore: Trade fair overview 2
filecore: Jon & Liz
filecore: Trade fair in full flow
filecore: Trade fair full flow 2
filecore: Gaztee & Mat on their stalls
filecore: Paul's wares
filecore: Pensive Mat
filecore: More trade fair..
filecore: Double Mayhem!
filecore: Strange art installation at ZKM
filecore: Double Mayhem
filecore: Cavity on the Videopac
filecore: Spike on the Vectrex
filecore: Tram to Retrogames. e.V
filecore: Atari Star Wars Upright
filecore: Some of the pins
filecore: Space Harrier Deluxe
filecore: Drivin' Hard
filecore: Midway's Sea Wolf (1976)
filecore: Atari Games
filecore: Root Beer Tapper