Simutis [nancy]: hose soaked
Simutis [nancy]: centered
Simutis [nancy]: traditions
Simutis [nancy]: "Look for the good in every person and every situation. You'll almost always find it."
Simutis [nancy]: a tall drink
Simutis [nancy]: train track thursday?
Simutis [nancy]: "Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold."
Simutis [nancy]: "When we accept small wonders, we qualify ourselves to imagine great wonders."
Simutis [nancy]: making memories
Simutis [nancy]: treat yourself
Simutis [nancy]: solitude
Simutis [nancy]: "children see magic because they look for it"
Simutis [nancy]: ...May the moon softly restore you by night...
Simutis [nancy]: so. we, um, kind of got the bubble machine out. again.
Simutis [nancy]: the boys of summer II
Simutis [nancy]: 1 - 2 - 3 Jump!
Simutis [nancy]: it was really far away
Simutis [nancy]: 2 geese and a duck walk into a bar
Simutis [nancy]: beer goggles
Simutis [nancy]: 9.47 inches
Simutis [nancy]: the fountains
Simutis [nancy]: an icicle dancing in the desert
Simutis [nancy]: gratuitous bokeh shot
Simutis [nancy]: "Most things disappoint till you look deeper."
Simutis [nancy]: Jennifer and Kristian
Simutis [nancy]: some things are best remembered
Simutis [nancy]: Abó Spanish Mission