simulacre: Award Received.jpg
simulacre: Chorus of Champions.jpg
simulacre: The Pride of France.jpg
simulacre: Just out of Reach.jpg
simulacre: Killing a Brother.jpg
simulacre: Incredible Speed.jpg
simulacre: Surprise Point.jpg
simulacre: I'm Over Here.jpg
simulacre: Pointless Swipe.jpg
simulacre: In There For a Strike.jpg
simulacre: Dodged Point.jpg
simulacre: Early Tsuki - Late Kote.jpg
simulacre: Exposed Wrist.jpg
simulacre: Between the Hands.jpg
simulacre: Shoulder Bend.jpg
simulacre: In the Seam.jpg
simulacre: Dō on the Corner.jpg
simulacre: Crucial Timing.jpg
simulacre: Looking for Traction.jpg
simulacre: Point and Set.jpg
simulacre: Yard Sale.jpg
simulacre: German Dō.jpg
simulacre: German Twist