simulacre: 13th World Kendo Championship Final First Point
simulacre: Yang Brothers.jpg
simulacre: Suiting Up.jpg
simulacre: SIM_3201.jpg
simulacre: Ouch!.jpg
simulacre: Goofy Conclusion.jpg
simulacre: Waiting for an Opening.jpg
simulacre: Unstoppable Force versus the Immovable Object.jpg
simulacre: Take Down.jpg
simulacre: Position of Dominance.jpg
simulacre: Out Gunned.jpg
simulacre: Not Gonna Give an Inch.jpg
simulacre: Lunging Kote.jpg
simulacre: History in the Making.jpg
simulacre: Gotta Get a Point.jpg
simulacre: Going after an Opening.jpg
simulacre: Crunch Time.jpg
simulacre: Blunt force Trauma.jpg
simulacre: The Closest I'll Get
simulacre: Western Standoff.jpg
simulacre: Thwarted Men.jpg
simulacre: The Walk of Pride.jpg
simulacre: Take Down-2.jpg
simulacre: Rushed Reset.jpg
simulacre: Residual Block.jpg
simulacre: Nearly in the Throat.jpg
simulacre: Locked Up.jpg
simulacre: Let-s Get to Work.jpg
simulacre: Jack and the Beanstalk.jpg
simulacre: Intimidating Release.jpg