SimplyWithStyle: Hot pink sari on a motorbike
SimplyWithStyle: Traffic!
SimplyWithStyle: Traffic!
SimplyWithStyle: Leaving the Mermaid Hotel for a day trip
SimplyWithStyle: My Classy Fellow and his new best friend
SimplyWithStyle: Palm trees
SimplyWithStyle: Getting ready for a meal
SimplyWithStyle: Our hosts explained how to eat everything, then sat us down to eat and watched with amusement
SimplyWithStyle: View from our balcony at the Mermaid
SimplyWithStyle: Mary and me, ready for a day of shopping
SimplyWithStyle: View from a bridge in Cochin
SimplyWithStyle: Streets of Cochin
SimplyWithStyle: The cow outside my window every morning
SimplyWithStyle: Chinese fishing nets and a day at the beach
SimplyWithStyle: Dan and the scariest Santa ever
SimplyWithStyle: Vini, My Classy Fellow and "Santa"
SimplyWithStyle: You could easily pick us out of the crowd at the New Year's Party
SimplyWithStyle: Fireworks on New Year's Eve
SimplyWithStyle: Party Crashers!
SimplyWithStyle: Dancing behind the projection screen
SimplyWithStyle: Jaya and Vini, too tired to stand but never too tired to dance
SimplyWithStyle: View from our balcony in Kovalum
SimplyWithStyle: Beer for breakfast?
SimplyWithStyle: The beach straight down the steps from our hotel
SimplyWithStyle: Dan enjoying a coconut
SimplyWithStyle: A beach in Kovalum
SimplyWithStyle: Meanwhile, the drivers' strike kept things still around Cochin
SimplyWithStyle: Dave coming down from Fusion
SimplyWithStyle: Sunset in Kovalum
SimplyWithStyle: Lighthouse in Kovalum