SimplyWithStyle: Am I the only one who arrives at home giddy to try their strange new vermouth?
SimplyWithStyle: Negroni @ Local Edition
SimplyWithStyle: Attempting to pour two drinks AND take a picture of it. #cocktailnerd
SimplyWithStyle: First ever attempt at a Bloody Mary. Not too shabby. #moreofamimosagirl #oooraperolspritz
SimplyWithStyle: Aunt Vi's brooch (compliment magnet)
SimplyWithStyle: Brew Day
SimplyWithStyle: This is probably a terrible idea...
SimplyWithStyle: The crowning jewel of my cocktail book collection. (thanks @colestratton and @jennybstratton!)
SimplyWithStyle: Second Annual: Same Circus, Different Clowns
SimplyWithStyle: Burritt Room Rebound
SimplyWithStyle: Nickel Slots (Tony's Lobotomy)