SimplyWithStyle: Apparently my creme brûlée is like Bruce Willis with hair. Thanks @cremebruleecart? #yesplease
SimplyWithStyle: Didn't beat the sun to the gym!
SimplyWithStyle: A fellow camera phone photographer near my new office.
SimplyWithStyle: The Nickel Slots rocking the Apple Store
SimplyWithStyle: First event with = Fabulous
SimplyWithStyle: Mini-cupcake in a tiny takeout box!
SimplyWithStyle: Blood Orange Negroni, 'tis the season.
SimplyWithStyle: My Scotch is a Gin.
SimplyWithStyle: My Jim Datz Manhattan print has a new friend...
SimplyWithStyle: Breakfast in Bed (even if I'm not). #nespresso #
SimplyWithStyle: Splitting a burger at Prospect! #wildsinglegirlbehavior
SimplyWithStyle: BART's cry for help...
SimplyWithStyle: Brandy Alexander (@oldworldspirits, @tfspirits and @milkmistress) #liquordotcom #yum
SimplyWithStyle: Oscars trophy! And fancy carrying case!
SimplyWithStyle: Perfumes from far off places like Florence, Capri... And Brooklyn. #ilovecbihateperfume