SimplyWithStyle: Soph with a 'stach
SimplyWithStyle: Follow me!
SimplyWithStyle: Frustrated Cameraman
SimplyWithStyle: Squishy Face
SimplyWithStyle: Sleepy Sleepy
SimplyWithStyle: I'm awake!
SimplyWithStyle: Is someone there?
SimplyWithStyle: Oh, hellooooo camera!
SimplyWithStyle: Baby Toes
SimplyWithStyle: Nate the Great
SimplyWithStyle: Still taking my picture? Really?
SimplyWithStyle: I'm just going to ignore you.
SimplyWithStyle: Boy, am I cute.
SimplyWithStyle: So cute!
SimplyWithStyle: Blue Eyes
SimplyWithStyle: Happy Thought
SimplyWithStyle: Gah! So tired!
SimplyWithStyle: Steely Gaze
SimplyWithStyle: Confused?
SimplyWithStyle: Nate the Great