SimplyWithStyle: Hey, what's that?
SimplyWithStyle: Not sure if she was cuddling or trying to push me out of the shot.
SimplyWithStyle: Think I got the hang of this.
SimplyWithStyle: This is fun.
SimplyWithStyle: Thanksgiving Reunion
SimplyWithStyle: Warhol Sophie
SimplyWithStyle: Warhol Sophie
SimplyWithStyle: Warhol Sophie
SimplyWithStyle: Three Eyes!
SimplyWithStyle: So dramatic!
SimplyWithStyle: Comic Book Sophie
SimplyWithStyle: Comic Book Sophie
SimplyWithStyle: All Three
SimplyWithStyle: All Three
SimplyWithStyle: Mommy and Daughter
SimplyWithStyle: Raspberry
SimplyWithStyle: Comic Book Sophie
SimplyWithStyle: Silent Movie Star
SimplyWithStyle: Cutest Gibberish Ever
SimplyWithStyle: Goofed up!
SimplyWithStyle: "The Dan One"
SimplyWithStyle: Silent Movie Star
SimplyWithStyle: The Sophie Show!
SimplyWithStyle: Rudolph!
SimplyWithStyle: I'm just working on the computer...
SimplyWithStyle: Deck the Halls!
SimplyWithStyle: Two Hands!
SimplyWithStyle: Sunshine
SimplyWithStyle: Kissy Face