SimplyWithStyle: We don't live here anymore.
SimplyWithStyle: Sunshine and Shadows
SimplyWithStyle: I'm a bit of a mess.
SimplyWithStyle: Deregistration Day
SimplyWithStyle: Colors in the window.
SimplyWithStyle: El Lokal
SimplyWithStyle: Saying Goodbye
SimplyWithStyle: Bits of Shadow
SimplyWithStyle: Bits of Light
SimplyWithStyle: Apple Takes a Seat
SimplyWithStyle: Apples in a Row
SimplyWithStyle: Lunch by the Limmat
SimplyWithStyle: Water Taxi
SimplyWithStyle: Art or Bad Parking?
SimplyWithStyle: Beautiful City
SimplyWithStyle: The oh-so-clean Limmat
SimplyWithStyle: Window Shopping... look, Bialetti lamps!
SimplyWithStyle: Walkway on the Water
SimplyWithStyle: Neumarkt, I love this street.
SimplyWithStyle: I love this hat.
SimplyWithStyle: Beautiful City
SimplyWithStyle: Grossmünster
SimplyWithStyle: Dinner at the corporate apartment house.
SimplyWithStyle: So cute, and I really could just put her in my pocket.