SimplyWithStyle: Shortest Bancomat. Ever.
SimplyWithStyle: Big goof with a big phone.
SimplyWithStyle: Grand Vienna
SimplyWithStyle: Naschmarkt
SimplyWithStyle: View from our room.
SimplyWithStyle: Art History Museum
SimplyWithStyle: Natural History Museum
SimplyWithStyle: Tram on-the-go and one of many theater posters.
SimplyWithStyle: Vienna Evening
SimplyWithStyle: No Ice Cream
SimplyWithStyle: Cafe Pruckel
SimplyWithStyle: We thought it was a cute neighborhood and then realized it had been the Jewish ghetto. Interesting.
SimplyWithStyle: Foundation
SimplyWithStyle: Vienna Night
SimplyWithStyle: "Umm... does that building have a moustache?"
SimplyWithStyle: Grandeur
SimplyWithStyle: Beethoven
SimplyWithStyle: Too much prettiness apparently gets old.
SimplyWithStyle: City Park Character
SimplyWithStyle: Self-Portrait
SimplyWithStyle: Hundertwasser Haus
SimplyWithStyle: Boho Tourists at Hundertwasser
SimplyWithStyle: The Prater
SimplyWithStyle: Culture Shock! (We loved all these posters.)
SimplyWithStyle: What can I say?
SimplyWithStyle: Look at this photo and then never ask me again why I don't own a pair of boots.
SimplyWithStyle: Mmmm, beer.