SimplyWithStyle: Funny fountain about the Papal schism in Konstanz
SimplyWithStyle: Three popes... and Classy Fellow
SimplyWithStyle: Quite a Character
SimplyWithStyle: Mouse in the Fountain
SimplyWithStyle: Three Popes Become One
SimplyWithStyle: Imperia, the prostitute with the emporer in one hand and the pope in the other.
SimplyWithStyle: Wintery Konstanz
SimplyWithStyle: Winter Birds
SimplyWithStyle: Ohhhh Classy Fellow!
SimplyWithStyle: More wintery Konstanz
SimplyWithStyle: More Winter Birds
SimplyWithStyle: Chilly Waterfront Park
SimplyWithStyle: Lines in the Sky
SimplyWithStyle: MW (but not me!) in Germany
SimplyWithStyle: Tree Hugger
SimplyWithStyle: May I help you?
SimplyWithStyle: What can I say? It was damn cold.
SimplyWithStyle: Drinking from the huge funnel.