SimplyWithStyle: Christmastime hits the Zürich train station.
SimplyWithStyle: Christmas HB
SimplyWithStyle: Swarovski Tree
SimplyWithStyle: Festive HB
SimplyWithStyle: Grossmünster waits for Lichterschwimmen
SimplyWithStyle: The Swans think the crowd is for them.
SimplyWithStyle: The bells chime, and a lone boat crosses the river. (We're still not quite sure why!)
SimplyWithStyle: Candles slowly appear floating down the water.
SimplyWithStyle: Zürich watches Lichterschwimmen
SimplyWithStyle: Lichterschwimmen
SimplyWithStyle: Lichterschwimmen
SimplyWithStyle: The boat and dock where the kids were releasing the candles.
SimplyWithStyle: Lichterschwimmen Zürich
SimplyWithStyle: Lichterschwimmen Zürich
SimplyWithStyle: Lichterschwimmen... confused birds!
SimplyWithStyle: Lichterschwimmen
SimplyWithStyle: Festivities at Weinplatz
SimplyWithStyle: Candles still slowly making their way.
SimplyWithStyle: Snowy Limmat-Quai