SimplyWithStyle: One of the 50,000 candles lit at Räbechilbi in Richterswil
SimplyWithStyle: No, not pumpkins, this event used 27 tons of beets!
SimplyWithStyle: The räben were everywhere!
SimplyWithStyle: Autumnal
SimplyWithStyle: An arch with hanging beet lanterns.
SimplyWithStyle: There's even a parade featuring floats lit up with beet lanterns.
SimplyWithStyle: This event was packed, my photos are pretty bad.
SimplyWithStyle: I bet you're super popular on this night if you have a roof deck or balcony in Richterswil.
SimplyWithStyle: Another float in the parade.
SimplyWithStyle: Blurry close up of the illuminating beets.
SimplyWithStyle: Hey, who's that?
SimplyWithStyle: Audrey/Holly in Räben
SimplyWithStyle: Yes, we can!