SimplyWithStyle: Having a snack... mmmm, frozen peas on teething gums.
SimplyWithStyle: Mama and Daughter
SimplyWithStyle: Ice Bat Love
SimplyWithStyle: Bright Eyes
SimplyWithStyle: Ding Dong!
SimplyWithStyle: Chalk Drawing
SimplyWithStyle: Funny Face
SimplyWithStyle: Running around in the sun.
SimplyWithStyle: So excited to play with the Choo Choo.
SimplyWithStyle: Friends at play group.
SimplyWithStyle: Friends at play group.
SimplyWithStyle: Friends at play group.
SimplyWithStyle: Water Break! Tweet!
SimplyWithStyle: Friends at play group.
SimplyWithStyle: Friends at play group.
SimplyWithStyle: Friends at play group.
SimplyWithStyle: Friends at play group.
SimplyWithStyle: So dramatic.
SimplyWithStyle: So cute.
SimplyWithStyle: Smell it!
SimplyWithStyle: Upside Down
SimplyWithStyle: Is that for me?
SimplyWithStyle: Got a backpack now...
SimplyWithStyle: ...Marching off with it.