SimplyWithStyle: Starting the morning off right with a tasting at Baldacci.
SimplyWithStyle: Jessica made us actually learn something about wine.
SimplyWithStyle: Baldacci Winery
SimplyWithStyle: Taking a tour.
SimplyWithStyle: One of many winery dogs we met along the way.
SimplyWithStyle: Group shot!
SimplyWithStyle: Group shot!
SimplyWithStyle: Ms. D and Me.
SimplyWithStyle: KZ and me.
SimplyWithStyle: PZ and me cracking up at something CF said.
SimplyWithStyle: Riding the tandem.
SimplyWithStyle: Enjoying the view.
SimplyWithStyle: Biking twins!
SimplyWithStyle: Our fearless leader!
SimplyWithStyle: Meeting up with another winery dog.
SimplyWithStyle: CF wonders why he's about to leave California... good thing we're coming back!