SimplyWithStyle: What a good looking family!
SimplyWithStyle: Visiting Bedford, Ohio in '83
SimplyWithStyle: Proof of three things, I have always been a goober, I have always been double jointed, and my grandfather has always had the patience of a saint!
SimplyWithStyle: Can you believe I was sort of once part of a clique? It was for about two seconds.
SimplyWithStyle: Bugwit and me
SimplyWithStyle: The whole fam... on a train!
SimplyWithStyle: Umm, don't ever let her tell you she doesn't know where I got it.
SimplyWithStyle: Aren't we cute?
SimplyWithStyle: And 21 years from now I'll take you to dinner with my crazy friends...
SimplyWithStyle: Classy twins.
SimplyWithStyle: Nice bangs!
SimplyWithStyle: Proof the chubby cheeks have been around forever.
SimplyWithStyle: Silly sisters.
SimplyWithStyle: I was a pirate long before Johnny Depp made it cool.
SimplyWithStyle: Sisters hanging out near the grandparents' house.
SimplyWithStyle: San Francisco Zoo. Oh, how I loved that shirt.
SimplyWithStyle: Plaid hat goober.
SimplyWithStyle: Mad egg dying skills!
SimplyWithStyle: Cross-eyed goober.
SimplyWithStyle: My aunt and me. See, I've been wearing turquoise forever.
SimplyWithStyle: Fun photo of Pop and Trevor in Monterey.
SimplyWithStyle: Don't grandma and I looked shocked?!?!
SimplyWithStyle: Snazzy Dressers.
SimplyWithStyle: Wacky Davenport Family.
SimplyWithStyle: We still sit on this at grandma's place, I take up a little more room though.
SimplyWithStyle: Looking sassy backstage at the ballet receital.
SimplyWithStyle: Hop on Pop!
SimplyWithStyle: Sisterly love?
SimplyWithStyle: Cutie in the grass.
SimplyWithStyle: This photo is awesome in so many ways, I don't even know where to begin.