SimplyWithStyle: Beautiful grounds at Filoli Gardens.
SimplyWithStyle: Beautiful grounds at Filoli Gardens.
SimplyWithStyle: Super cool trellis.
SimplyWithStyle: Fenced in herb garden, to keep out the wildlife.
SimplyWithStyle: See the red-breasted robin?
SimplyWithStyle: A little piece of the gardens still closed, we were there the first open weekend all year.
SimplyWithStyle: Almost looks unreal!
SimplyWithStyle: Reminds me The Secret Garden, of course.
SimplyWithStyle: Pretty paperwhites.
SimplyWithStyle: Pretty paperwhites.
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SimplyWithStyle: Look at this amazing view. We live in a beautiful place.
SimplyWithStyle: It was early in the year, but the camellias were blooming.
SimplyWithStyle: Camellias reaching up to the sky.
SimplyWithStyle: Camellias reaching up to the sky.
SimplyWithStyle: "We're home!" This house, and various parts of the estate have been featured in many movies.
SimplyWithStyle: Fun cookbook in the kitchen.
SimplyWithStyle: The stairs, I believe this is where the Take Me or Leave Me scene mostly happened in the movie Rent.
SimplyWithStyle: The ballroom, sorry, bad photo!
SimplyWithStyle: The "doll house."