SimplyWithStyle: Peacock Bar, you know I love it!
SimplyWithStyle: Electric string section.
SimplyWithStyle: Electric string section.
SimplyWithStyle: Dress up area and picture taking.
SimplyWithStyle: Sandcastle in the "under water" room.
SimplyWithStyle: Deep sea diver dangling from the ceiling!
SimplyWithStyle: Electrip harp on a rotating stage!
SimplyWithStyle: Decor in the tarot and palm reader room.
SimplyWithStyle: No photos!!!
SimplyWithStyle: See what working at Google does to you? Nothing impresses you.
SimplyWithStyle: Random silver rollerskating dancers.
SimplyWithStyle: Come to think of it...
SimplyWithStyle: Seems awfully proud of himself, doesn't he?
SimplyWithStyle: Taking a little break from the crowd.