simplytrece: 2 Far left of desk, top
simplytrece: 13 Left half-shot of desk
simplytrece: 11 Kitchen table, desk is to left
simplytrece: 10 Opposite wall from desk, top-shot
simplytrece: 9 Opposite wall from desk, left corner
simplytrece: 8 Opposite wall from desk, mid-shot
simplytrece: 6 Bookcase Living Room
simplytrece: 1 Far left of desk, bottom
simplytrece: 14 Right half-shot of desk and corner
simplytrece: 12 Kitchen table, looking at desk
simplytrece: 7 Kitchen table, desk is to right
simplytrece: 5 Opposite wall from desk, top-shot
simplytrece: 4 Far right of desk, bottom
simplytrece: 3 Far right of desk, top