Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): Celebrations...
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): Festive fervor...
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): We are always one choice away from a new beginning...
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): Beauty is neither touched nor seen, it is felt by the heart...
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): An identity among colors..
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): The satisfaction acquired through art & creation is uncomparable...
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): For the twinkle in the eyes..
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): Photography is very much about discovering & capturing what we may see,but not notice..
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): worshiping the holy ganges...
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): The feel of an unexplored & intimidating region..
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): Imagination transcends all the limitations bringing along a plethora of possibilities..
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): Early morning at varanasi...
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): Drenched in colors..
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): Owr best thoughts are formed in stillness..
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): Innocence & Ignorance..
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): How the hell are we independent???....(explored)
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): Rain....part2 ...(explored..)
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): Aishwarya Rai in the making...
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): Sometimes ur joy is the source of ur smile,but sometimes ur smile can be the source of ur joy.
Travayegeur (Sahil Lodha): The world will endure as long as there is a spark in man,brighter than his everyday wants-Avon