Simple Palace: 開閃光燈的合照
Simple Palace: 姊妹們合照
Simple Palace: 姊妹們合照
Simple Palace: 姊妹們之遮臉
Simple Palace: 姊妹們之一朵小花
Simple Palace: 姊妹們之單手遮臉
Simple Palace: Tai and Yiru
Simple Palace: Yiru and Lili
Simple Palace: Caroline踢毽子
Simple Palace: 2006 Christmas with girls and a mother
Simple Palace: 2006 Christmas, with Chee's Christmas tree
Simple Palace: Kiss under the mistletoe! (where is it?)
Simple Palace: Golden Majiang!
Simple Palace: Jung and Golden Majiang
Simple Palace: 2nd dress
Simple Palace: 1st dress
Simple Palace: Kiss on the breast
Simple Palace: 姊妹們 @Afternoon Tea