S Vilhunen: Bs 1080 doublecork mute ; Jaakko Ruha @ nescafe champs Leysin
S Vilhunen: Handplant over a woodshack spine.
S Vilhunen: Janne Lipsanen swbs 7 @Nescafe Champs, Leysin
S Vilhunen: 3 / 3 / 2012 : Alley-oop plant, Toni "Sakko" Viitakangas
S Vilhunen: A method a day, keeps the doctor away
S Vilhunen: Antti Autti psyched on the park @ Pikku-Syöte
S Vilhunen: Antti Autti - sw bs 180 tail
S Vilhunen: Sami Kallo - fifty through the rollercoaster rail
S Vilhunen: Antti Autti - tailgrab over a log
S Vilhunen: Janne Posio - method
S Vilhunen: Antti Autti - mute
S Vilhunen: 20 / 3 / 2012 : Janne Posio fifties through this rollercoaster rail in Pikku-Syöte
S Vilhunen: 19 / 3 / 2012 : Antti Autti and the boys scoping out possible lines
S Vilhunen: King Luse makes the most of what is left of the corner @ Ounasvaara
S Vilhunen: 12/365 - my kind of gym
S Vilhunen: 19/365 - Kesänki cruising
S Vilhunen: 55 / 365 - Matti Kinnunen, stalefish
S Vilhunen: Juho Haapalainen – Indy in Tamokdalen
S Vilhunen: Jussi Leinonen – Ollie in Pyhä
S Vilhunen: Anssi Lakela – Handplant to fakie, Pyhä Funpark
S Vilhunen: Mikko Halinen – Method in Saunakuru, Pyhätunturi
S Vilhunen: Waiting in the whiteout
S Vilhunen: Iisakki Kennilä – FS3 truckdriver in Pyhä
S Vilhunen: Jari Salo tweaks over the gap at Anttisworld cup event at Ounasvaara.
S Vilhunen: Sasa Toivonen spraying through some Tamok golden goody!
S Vilhunen: Mikko Halinen, handplant transfer at Levicamp 531